I can't upload any pictures today. I don't even own a digital camera, or a scanner for my prints. I have to admit, I feel slightly uncomfortable having to rely solely on words, without any visual aid or stimulation for potential readers. Why am I writing then? I'm not sure. Maybe it's because one of my many english teachers told us in class that blogging is sometimes a good tool in getting hired. It might also be because I've been writing a lot in school lately and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that it gives me.
I am useless when it comes to creating habits, and though I've started so many blogs, history dictates that I eventually abandon the effort. I forget what it feels like to write, or draw, or just create something that didn't exist before. There's no other feeling that I can use to compare this feeling to. Its freeing. It somehow makes me feel like I'm fulfilling a purpose. Does anyone relate to this? It's a feeling you don't always miss when it's gone, but once it returns I wonder how I could have forgotten about it. It inspires me to create.
Of course, I'm no writer. No, my passion isn't for the written word but for the magic of visuals. I might be able to survive without weaving imaginative tales, but I never stop thinking for a moment about the beauty of light, and contrast, and hue, and shadow, and colour. Being in awe of these things is as daily and natural to me as breathing. I have what they call "the eye." Seeing things the way I do seems to make me different from other people. Of course, when I say that I see differently, it doesn't only mean that I see the things others miss, but also that I view the world differently. Not everything is beautiful and mysterious, but everything is just one component to a much bigger picture. There is pain, and woe, and confusion, but understand that these things are fleeting, and give way to selflessness, and community, and love. In a photograph, there are areas of shadow, and areas of light. The most stunning picture often has such high contrast that every detail pops. Every shadow works together with every spot of light, making something beautiful. Of course, when we feel like we're encased in darkness, it is hard to imagine that we will ever again feel the warmth of the sun, and even harder to believe that our pain is part of a beautiful image. We like to bury our pain, and try to forget it. But what is an image without both light and dark? We don't need to forget, we need to hold on through the pain and trust in the bigger picture. And when times are good and light shines on us, we need to remember that it is not permanent, and share the hope of the future with others who are stuck in fear and doubt.
This is the truth of Jesus Christ. Life isn't all good, but at least it's all part of His plan and we can trust that He's got everything under control.
i'm so glad you're back. keep it up, i love hearing your thoughts. love you!